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Welcome to Save

 I am KingHax, welcome to my website. This website will provide information on how to save


  1. Tujuan mu bukan saving agario tapi menbuat onar, kalo mau saving ga perlu bikin bot pake nama mu kinghax, jelas jelas nih org tolol

    1. I have no choice, Miniclip wont update the game, so I have to bot it so much they notice the issue and fix it!

    2. thats actually a good plan

    3. Yeah well just that miniclip doesn't actually care. For example, the anti teaming in the game is terrible and punishes solo players more than it does teamers, but has miniclip done anything to improve it? Nah, because they don't care.

      Even if they "patch" bots again for the 80th time, they'll just reappear after a week as if nothing happened.

  2. Felicidades, mataste al juego mas de lo que estaba

    1. Amen, he's beating a dead horse. Hax LMAOOO.

  3. Genial, ahora me divierto mas teniendo 1k de masa en top 1😒😒 rip pc

  4. Ty for the free food

  5. yeahh mb suckee

  6. The game will NEVER be how it used to be before miniclip came and messed it up and everyone started teaming 24/7 in solo modes.

  7. You don't save it you F**k it stop liing to yourself

  8. All these scrubs who cant get good at the game are all mad that they aren't getting free bots lmao

  9. fuck you nigga

  10. so you are mistic who says botting is bad yet you put 200 of your advertising bots to promote your own game you are a fraud and a hypocrite doing nothing but ruining agario for your own profit
    wake up people this man is using alts he is just trying to promote his own game he puts 200 spam bots in every server crashing servers for his own financial gain


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