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Exposing AgarBots.OVH

I made this post to show you players how easily Miniclip could shutdown the biggest bots site, yet for reasons that I dont understand they wont.

Anyway lets investigate AgarBots.OVH

AgarBots.OVH has been operating for 7 YEARS. Almost since first opened, and in that time since then I am sure they have earned over $500,000+ 

Anyway when you make a purchase on AgarBots OVH via PayPal the money is sent to a French company

So from the payment, we can see that the company is called LP Informatique, we have the phone number and also can see AgarBots.OVH is linked to something called

After using called to search LP Informatique I got this result

However this makes no sense, why would a computer repair store be running AgarBots? I mean they could be, but I had a feeling I was wrong. So I tried instead to use the other information I had..

I searched for, and found that their website was no longer working, and their twitter account seemed inactive since 2020

So I decided to continue digging, and I stumbled upon another VPS provider. You may ask, what is the link between BestVPS and VPSUnity?

Well, their contact page matched the same info as AgarBot OVH/BestVPS

So I did abit more digging on their site and found this, their terms of service page

And what do you know? LP Informatique AGAIN!
Plus they had the same phone number as seen of the email when purchasing bots on AgarBots OVH, plus it also makes sense as the owner of AgarBot OVH, has told people he is French, and that he ran a servers company.

Anyway from here I got an address
 136 Rue de l’Arepit 40990 Saint paul les Dax

Seems like a home right?

So in under 15minutes, I managed to find out the name of the company registered in France + the address of the owner running AgarBots OVH.

Miniclip what the fuck is your excuse? How can you let this guy do this to your game and ruin it? You have the information now, and im sure more can be found, but I would say go and sue AgarBots OVH for all the damage they have done to our beloved

                                        FOR I AM KINGHAX SAVIOR OF AGARIO



  2. this is bs its not that easy or else it wouldve been done by now


    2. What is your goal?

    3. yea thats whats confusing

    4. his goal's to rid of bots in every mode except party

    5. which is great considering i don't play any other mods other than party

  3. How is making money from what they are doing?

    1. They charge money for people to use bots

  4. Nice, i think Miniclip will ban bots soon. Here's a message from official discord:

    "@everyone We are currently aware of the issues happening on PC.

    We want to make it clear that NO bots are allowed and we are actively working to patch them all. We are aware of “KingHax” also and are actively investigating this."

    1. rlly?? can u link that discord server?

    2. go to news and scroll up a lil bit


    1. Estas equivocadisimo, los bots le sacan todo el sentido al juego en todos los aspectos posta, imaginate estar jugando solo en un FFA y estar primero despues de haber matado a un monton de equipos que ya directamente son clanes mas que equipos porque son tan malos que sino van de a 6 no ganan, y de repente se mete un random con un monton de bots con los boosts de masa triple y en 2 minutos ya tiene 20K, eso no es diversion ni para vos ni para nadie, sobre todo desde hace unos años cuando la pagina de mierda esta mejoro la inteligencia artificial de los bots haciendo que si te los podes comer que te esquiven, los bots existen porque la pagina tiene que estar constantemente comprando amplificadores de masa x3 y seguramente ya te diste cuenta que muchos bots tienen skins de pago, bueno, con eso ya convencio a Moneyclip para que prefiera que haya bots en ves de jugadores de verdad jugando a su juego, fin

  6. Yes this matter should be dealt with ASAP miniclip is not even trying to fix this really disappointing, we guys can't do anything except hoping that miniclip takes some action against this.
    ~ East Asia team-mode player :)

  7. I think our community should make our own free and open source game. This wouldn't be easy and servers cost money, but it's doable. It would allow us to fix the bots and crossteaming problems, but we would have to figure out how to fix them. We could do even more like fixing the lag and removing ads.

    I thought of doing this on my own and I already started implementing some of the basic mechanics of agario in Godot engine, but I'm not even sure if anyone would want to play such game. If there is a dedicated community maybe this will happen some day.

    1. The point is there are already alternatives such as, the problem is that it is nearly impossible to create a 100% accurate copy of agar in regards to mechanics of the game, unless u know the exact settings, sooo just hasn't got as many players as has however it's much more playable bc of the absence of bots

    2. Yes, there are clones and they aren't very popular. That's why I'm not sure if it's worth trying to replicate agario. Do people not play the clones, because they are too different or is it just because they are clones and not the original?

      I'm wondering how close we could get to an accurate copy. 100% might be impossible, but maybe 90% would be good enough? Perhaps if we gather enough data we could figure it out? People have calculated velocity from videos for example. We already know all the values for mass like how much you start with, how much you lose each second or how much you shoot out by pressing W. I took screenshots and measured how much radius grows with mass. I think I managed to get that part close to the original, but it's hard to know for sure without replicating other things too like velocity. I believe it's possible to get it all to be pretty accurate, it's just a lot of work.

  8. THANK YOU so much for putting in so much time and work for this website !!!
    I really love you for that !
    What all these "Goofies" are doing with BOTS and MULTI (tabbing) is ruining the game, because with all these bot-users and tabbers, the game is totsally different from it's original purpose and FUN !!!
    FUN ... to need to fight for your mass !!! That is what all FAIR and honest agario players LOVE at agario.
    BOTS and tabbing is for people with no skillz !
    My words !
    Once again - thank you !
    I came back after a year (or more) break and I was shocked that now every "idiot" is using bots and tabbing !


    2. Supergirl, lemme clear it out for u a bit, MULTI is a way to improve ur game skill whereas bots is a way to worsen ur game skill. if u haven't tried to play MULTI or tried and failed then it's just ur problem but comparing bot users to MULTI users just really shows how little u know what ur talking about. Most experienced multies are the best players in the game, comparing them to bots is a crime, girl!

    3. Since 2016, this game is full of noobs, the game was ruined when they started to play as two in single player, hence any noob playing as two either with a bot or a person, can destroy a single pro player playing single player in single map just because of the fact that the player playing as a team in single mode skips the ball timer.

    4. Anonymous #2, as a pro player in both solo and multi modes lemme tell u, being able to play good level multi is much harder and takes much more practice then being able to play good solo...... Multi box does not create lag of any kind unlike bot users do...... Try to play multi first and then u will be able to judge rationally)

    5. To the 1st "Anonymous" ...
      You are wrong in so many ways, that it hurts ...
      here the clear facts ...
      - I have for sure more agario skillz then you will ever have (cos you called "you know little")
      - so do not jugde people you dont know
      - using multi is clear CHEATING
      - winning with such an advantage (like cheating with multi) means, you can NEVER be proud of anything you achieve at agario
      - yes, I played it by myself for 1 day (to test) ... NO ONE could beat me, not even close
      - calling multi as skillz shows who from us both has really no clue from agario & FAIR gameplay
      - using any advantage in a game, which others don't have (or don't want to use/cheat) is clear cheating
      - play fair and without any advantage vs others in agario (same is for ALL games)
      - if you need such advantage to win, its you who is the weak one
      - calling it having skillz using multi is biggest BS I heard about agario

    6. supergirl, it kinda made me laugh a lot when u said u used it for 1 day and no one could beat u, if u are so strong and skillful come 1v1 against me and we will figure it out. Here is my discord: izanagi#1864 add me and lemme know if ur not too scared to fight me

  9. Frankly, I kinda enjoy the bots. They're dumb and act almost like larger dots. I can imagine them being used to develop an offline or practice mode of sorts. That'd be a neat idea.

    Them being used to help specific users must go, though. To that end, I agree.

    1. Yeah, the bots can sometimes be useful if you're trying to complete a daily quest. Like those ones that are like "eat 12 players". Just slurp up the bots lol!

      Dear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. TIME TRAVELERS or MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS): The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN formerly of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER. I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body! Thank you! - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL)

  10. this is the coolest thing i've ever seen in my life !!! thanks for everything secret hero.

  11. Respect for you Bro KingHax we need more people like you so we save
    I am ready to support you .
    Hats off to your hardwork

  12. The game became boring after the bot stopped

    1. apparently u never played back when agar was popular in around 2016, game back then was soo much fun, u just don't know what ur talking about

    2. The game was ruined in 2016 when the Chinese started team play in individual play.

  13. The point is that there are lots of other ways Miniclip could get rid of the bots/bot users by integrating the in-game bots-banning systems. Miniclip could also create their own in-game bots or some other ways of mass-boosting which would actually profit them more in the end. Integrated in-game ways of mass-boosting over external bots sources is a way to get rid of the lags in game since it's caused by 100 different IPs used by bots joining 1 server and overloading it, so the fact that Miniclip hasn't done any of this yet just shows how little fucks they give about their game.

    1. Why would miniclip bot their own game?

      Bots have always driven people away from the game because 1) they cause massive lag, and 2) are too overpowered in the way that one player can easily gain 100k+ mass and dominate an entire active lobby within 10 minutes or less and, with that, ruin everyone else's gameplay.

      Even tho miniclip has been "milking" agario with dumb shit ever since, I don't think they're that stupid to encourage cheating just because they sit on the receiving end and not someone else. Or do you think e.g Valve would launch a service to bypass VAC just so they can earn a few bucks more?

      Anyway, it's just sad to see how they can't seem to get their shit together and patch bots for good after probably at least 7 years and multiple "attempts" that maybe were effective for a few days at maximum.

    2. I think u misunderstood me. First of all in-game bots would not create that massive lag because, there would be no need to connect 100 different client IPs (bots) to one server, so they server wouldn'tbe overloaded with players. Secondly in-game bots or any other kind of purchasable mass boosting would be much more controllable, in other words the huge mass that unnecessary overpowers some players can now be balanced out more rationally. Thirdly and lastly now you see bots as cheating because they come from the outside sources, if they get implemented in game in a much smarter way they are done now, it's not cheating anymore, it's just an in-game purchase that will give a player some sort of advantage(once again no need to overpower anyone) like in many other games.

  14. thank you for all this research. I've been playing since the 4chan days and I really hope miniclip fixes this :(

  15. The game really should be individual, since they started playing with teams they did the same thing when they started using bots, I'm glad the cheaters who play ad os got a dose of their own medicine.

    1. The game really should be individual, since they started playing with teams they did the same thing when they started using bots, I'm glad the cheaters who play a two got a dose of their own medicine.

  16. I hope miniclip fixes the game should be individual and not a team game of two.

  17. The game went bad since 2013 when the Chinese started playing in teams on the single-player map. Nowadays there are many noobs who think they are pro just because they play in team of two in single player mode, they can't survive alone even 5 minutes.


  19. >agario bots bad even tho i am intellectually disabled and they help me win, also its funny to see people get mad at my awesome bots THOUGH

  20. Bots are good. Without bots there is no mass and the game was dead when bots didn't work. I was playing when there were no bots and I couldn't reach more than 10k plus there was no one in the servers so nothing to do with bots. The game doesn't have many people because people have moved on to other games that's all. agario was popular in the past, but most players who played the desktop version just moved on to other more popular games now like BR Games...
    In addition you may not know it but there are also other bot providers and we could have 5 free bots before you harm the game which was more than enough to have fun too.

  21. As a Agario player you are doing wrong,
    because in every agario Party has like 7-8 Players :( with bots has more players but now only 10-20 people will play :(

  22. And people can still buy bots. You've only banished the free ones.
    You were so efficient, lol

  23. haces y dices wvds amiguito, solo aprende a jugar bn y solo... ahora que no se que hicieron esta mas aburrido q nunca y vacios los serve

  24. Lo que debiste hacer era eliminar los bots de paga, mas no los gratuitos, lo unico que hiciste fue matar al juego mas de lo que ya estaba, esperando que miniclip haga algo, pero miniclip no invertira en eliminar los bots cuando el juego apenas y genera ingresos.

    1. Así es, el Bot de pago dañó el juego es imposible jugar cuando alguien chupa agarbots a su antojo, el agarbot de por si hizo el juego un poco mas divertido de lo que en un principio era, pero la cantidad de estos estaría bien la midieran tambien.

  25. how to download agarbots tk?

  26. Great article! Any progress?

  27. was ruined first because of teams.

  28. Llevo 10 años jugando este juego, los AgarBots.OVH en un principio fueron innovadores, porque puedes utilizarlos para un montón de cosas, incluso cuando estos se lanzan para comerte que de seguro es con IA es bastante chafo y divertido, sin embargo, algo cambió de repente, hay una cantidad abrumadora de estos que ya no se puede jugar y no me agrada cuando ciertos players los utilizan a su antojo, seguro son hackers o pagan? pero cuando tú logras bajar a algún Jeque o Capo que por cierto con mucho esfuerzo 1 vs 5, de repente en menos de un minuto este ya tiene la suficiente masa para comerte, esto a mi parecer daña el juego porque no hay merito y esto hace muy difícil en la mayoría de las ocasiones entrar al top 10 sin antes haber sufrido un montón para conservar tu masa.


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