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Showing posts from August, 2022

Exposing AgarBots.OVH

I made this post to show you players how easily Miniclip could shutdown the biggest bots site, yet for reasons that I dont understand they wont. Anyway lets investigate AgarBots.OVH AgarBots.OVH has been operating for 7 YEARS. Almost since first opened, and in that time since then I am sure they have earned over $500,000+  Anyway when you make a purchase on AgarBots OVH via PayPal the money is sent to a French company So from the payment, we can see that the company is called LP Informatique, we have the phone number and also can see AgarBots.OVH is linked to something called After using called to search LP Informatique I got this result However this makes no sense, why would a computer repair store be running AgarBots? I mean they could be, but I had a feeling I was wrong. So I tried instead to use the other information I had.. I searched for, and found that their website was no longer working, and their twitter account seemed inactive since 2...